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Member you have been joined OAOEO program . Will start earning through google, by displaying google ads on  his 10 websites given by OAOEO and by getting clicks on ads through traffic(visitors) , the member will be get paid by google .

To check the account simply visit 
and enter the login details.

1. To get traffic (visitors) to your 10 sites which displays google ads, all you need is 10 email address and register each website with each email address with linkreferral website, while registering place the website in right category.

2.After all your 10 websites get registered with linkreferral website. Login with your email address of one website and  has to visit 30 websites and take 5 reviews with every account. 

3. How to visit websites and reviews means, as you login in the linkreferral website, click on the directory for traffic option at left middle of the page. Then click on any of the category of your own choice like entertainment,Finance,education so on etc., and after clicking on category of your own choice and page will be own in which some sub-category will be displayed, after clicking on any of the sub-category your work starts from here.

  Visiting websites

       a. websites links will be displayed in the page .
       b. Right click on the links ( which is underlined) and open it in the new tab 
       c. And refresh the linkreferral page immediately.
       d. And move on to the second link.
       e. Like that continue till 30 websites. 

 Giving Review

       a. Under the website link you will be finding 2 options
            1. (x) reviews 2.  review this site
       b.  Click on 5 review this site opitons  of the 5 links in a new tab at a time.
       c.   And rate the websites  and give comment " Very good informative site"

      Estimated Time taken for work 
                            1 website                 <                   1sec
                           30 websites             <                    30 secs
                             5 reviews                <                     1min

                    Time for one linkreferral account  ~ 2 minutes 
                    The work is same for every linkreferral account.

 Total time taken for 10 linkreferral accounts is ~ 10 x 2 min
                                                                                        ~  20 minutes

You will be working for less than 20 minutes, and your website will be doing the work for 24hrs.
That is it moves around the world and gets traffic.
As you are visiting some other sites, like that only your website is also viewed by some visitors(traffic) and when the visitor click on the ads you will be get paid through google adsense .

Important Notes::

1. Work should be done in between 12pm-8pm.

2. Green tick indicates : That the site is already visited by you. 

     Red  tick indicates   : That the site is already is reviewed by you.
When this indications appears don't visit and review the site respectively.

3. Be keen about your rank, which is in the right top of the page. It should always represents some number, when it appears offline immediately contact us. 
                    Rank in this category :  xxx out of xxxxxx// xxxx out of xxxxxxxxx

4. To know how many sites you have been visited, at right top of  the page.
if it is 

 x out of 30 indicates    : Number of sites visited
 x out of 5   indicates    : Number of sites reviews.

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